Now that I'm caught up on @CobraKaiSeries, time to buzzed/slightly more tweet the 1984 original, The Karate Kid. This one's for you @Fleminem_Raps.
Holy shit I never noticed Daniel says bye to Judy right at the beginning. That's his old girl before Ali. Didn't see anything near Elizabeth Shue level standing there.
People traveling in movies always put stuff on the roof. Never once have I strapped anything to the roof of my car.
Teenage Ralph Macchio might have the skinniest arms in the history of skinny arms.
Oh the introduction to Freddy Fernandez. One of the biggest scumbags ever. Although he is wearing a 'Makin Bacon' shirt. Two pigs banging.
Daniel's wearing some old school Cortez's.
Mr. Miyagi in this movie is younger than Daniel is now on Cobra Kai. People aged differently in the 80s.
Have you ever in history seen anyone playing soccer on the beach?
Okay, so the music when the Cobra Kais show up is pretty awesome. Also, Bobby already the voice of reason. Unpopular opinion: Bobby Brown, played by @SenseiRonThomas was the most bad ass of that group.
Ali started the entire first fight. Johnny takes it about as easy as possible on Daniel until Daniel sucker punches him. Bobby again looks concerned. Scumbag Freddy Fernandez bails on Daniel after inviting him. Dick.
'Cruel Summer.' Banger.
Oh Christ. Another Freddy Fernandez sighting. Season 4 of Cobra Kai should feature the comeback of Freddy and he gets his ass kicked by Daniel's daughter.
Again with the soccer. Oh now Bobby is the cheap ass. Dutch is such a douche. I bet Chad McQueen is a real life asshole.
Would Ali really like Daniel in real life?
Daniel's a weirdo. He has a voice in hi head that talks to him and he talks to himself when his mom goes back to worse.
Okay, Daniel biking home and the dickbags running him off the side of the cliff was not at all provoked.
Daniel is in every scene. Literally every scene.
I appreciate the patience of this 80s movie. I love the Cobra Kai series. But they have zero patience. They wouldn't have a 5 minute bonsai tree cutting scene.
Daniel left Mr. Miyagi with a very American "Syonara" on his way out the door. Not cool, bud.
Daniel's Chargers jersey is the best attire he owns.
Seriously, take a second and pause Karate Kid during the Halloween party. Worst costumes you will ever see.
Why is a guy dresses as a chicken running around throwing eggs at people's heads? These are the questions that need answers.
Johnny rolling a joint in a bathroom stall while listening to his Walkman. What can go wrong?
It's a bold fucking move to drench a dude who beats the shit out of you regularly while he's in a bathroom stall and you're wearing a shower curtain as a Halloween costume.
Ali with the sick trip. Johnny broke his Walkman.
Daniel is significantly less athletic than the Cobra Kais. He runs weird. Also, he runs across a field and is at his apartment? Does he live like a block from the high school? He doesn't need to ride a bike.
Bobby is so emphatic that Daniel has had enough. He's almost fighting his own friends over it. Then gets the shit kicked out of him by Mr. Miyagi anyway.
Jesus. The fence gate was open the whole time. Did you know that?
Mr. Miyagi nailing the JC Penney belt joke.
Dutch is making a really weird face at the dojo.
Of course Lamar from Revenge of the Nerds is going to lose to Bobby.
Tommy's arm is in a sling? Come on. Dramatic.
2020 John Kreese looks better than 1984 John Kreese. Giving Tom Brady a run for his money @MartinKove.
1984 Cobra Kais beat the shit out of 2020 Cobra Kais. I hate them but they are bad fuckers.
This movie's length does not hold up with the attention span of those of us that live in 2021. Long.
Daniel is similar to Luke Skywalker. He whines. He expects better than maybe he deserves given his skill level. But he's stubborn. Confident without considering the odds.
"Must be take a worm for a walk week!" Tommy. One of the worst lines in any movie ever.
Also, what in the fuck is Bobby wearing.
He has the best hair though. By far.
Cobra Kai member Jimmy, played by Tony O'Dell, was royally shit on. The fifth guy of the group didn't get one fucking line. At least they brought him back for the series. But seriously.
Daniel's date with Ali has to be the most painful shit of all time to watch.
WTF is Daniel doing? Kicking a brick at Ali's house? I guess they really showed the awkward first meeting most of us have with significant other's parents.
You can't pick her up with your mom in that car. Meet her there.
Golf and Stuff is legit.
Jesus. How small is LA? Daniel runs into Johnny and assholes everywhere he goes.
Daniel is a dick to Ali every time something bad happens to him. Yikes.
Holy shit Daniel hasn't even trained at all yet.
I know it's part of his training. But Miyagi really did get a lot of free labor out of Daniel.
Mr. Miyagi hasn't worn anything but that brown shirt thus far.
You think a 2021 teenager would have the patience to train this way with Mr. Miyagi?
A 2021 teenager shows up to a 'Paint the House' sign and he'll set fire to that place and be done with Miyagi forever.
Wax on, wax off is the pop culture reference. But don't forget sand the floor, paint the fence and side to side.
I read the Sean Penn almost played Daniel. Jesus. Picture that.
Crane kick with a shitload of seagulls. John Woo would be proud.
Okay. Forgotten scene. When Daniel and Mr. Miyagi go back to there car at the beach. Two white assholes hammering beers while relaxing on a truck that doesn't belong to them spouting racist shit. Miyagi breaking a few bottles is them getting off very light.
God damn it. Soccer again.
Okay, Johnny is a horrendous soccer player. I bet @WilliamZabka hated every second of soccer shit in 'Karate Kid.'
Okay some of these scenes could have been cut. Like the one on the boat where Miyagi dumps him in the water.
I mean, Daniel's red windbreaker.
Okay, let's discuss. Johnny forcefully makes out with Ali. Daniel gets upset & crashes into a server & gets all of the spaghetti in the world all over his white clothes. Ali reacts as a young woman should. Kudos Elizabeth Shue. Ali legit punches him in the face.
And Ali's mom asks Johnny if he's okay. Wtf?????
Daniel goes to see drunk Miyagi wearing his spaghetti clothes. Change first, dude.
Does anyone else remember the original Karate Kid being so, so long.
The Crane Technique is like introducing a gun into a movie. Don't show it unless you're going to get se it later.
Miyagi wearing a catcher's mask to get punched in the chest is pretty funny.
God. Another scene with the red windbreaker. And we question Bernie Sanders' jacket.
Hold the fuck on. Daniel leaves Mr. Miyagi to meet his mother for a surprise bday. Instead, he goes and finds Ali at Golf and Stuff. Same fucking red windbreaker.
'Young Hearts.' Another banger.
Wait, wait, wait. Last time Ali and Daniel were around each other, she was dancing with Johnny and she was late for their date. Wtf is she so mad at Daniel for?
Ali's friends are just god awful.
Okay, let me start by saying I'm glad Daniel got to kiss the girl. But the worst kiss of all time. Macchio is eating her face.
Pause. Up to this point, this movie is a B. Maybe a B+. The tournament absolutely catapults it to an A+. Unpause.
Feels weird to see Dutch instigate the bullying with Daniel. Chad Mcqueen's Oscar moment. Johnny is in the background and doesn't even care. Wtf does Dutch even care about Daniel?
The Ali and Mr. Miyagi chemistry is great. Home run there.
This fucking tourney is awesome. All the trophies in the center of the ring. I bet these parents are like crazy wrestling parents.
Btw, Daniel's first opponent almost gets rid of him from the tourney in 10 seconds.
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