You can now get a Verified Badge crest on your Bay Area home if you're an influencer, public figure, or represent a brand. 
Idea came from from these tweets by @nicholasmacias and @admsch after I asked if the crest symbols found on Victorian homes meant anything.

I'd actually fabricate one if someone bites. 🛠️
I'm going to Twitter jail again.

If someone saw this on a house, I doubt they would actually think there's a prominent public figure inside. Nor do I think this would make anyone more likely to rob a Blue Check.

Having high-value items near your window is much more attractive.
I would like to clarify that having a Blue Check doesn't mean you're rich, have nice things, or you're more likely to own a home. It just means you're good at Twitter.
Okay, I am getting some requests for a crest. Let's say I make one, how would it be discovered? It could be in San Jose, Walnut Creek, Pac Heights... anywhere...
Artists gotta rewrite their brains for the common internet scroller. I thought my second tweet in the thread was clear that Blue Check Houses was a response to a simple joke on a previous tweet. Alas! I now have a disclaimer.
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