My friend @JustAwHirsi is right and wrong at the same time. I'll explain.


The ICC (which I never supported but now do in hindsight) was a genuine somali owned revolution. Which swiftly gained power and controlled most of South.
The TFGS was also legitimate Somali govt. Both entities went to Khartoum and signed and agreements to form a government of national unity.

This wasn't palatable to TPLF under Malez zanawi. TPLF had Somali stooges on both sides if the devide and made sure the agreement collapsed
A prominent ICC member declared a unilateral war on the, then weak govt (under the orders of TPLF ofcoz). Using the excuse of helping the TFGS and fighting terrorists that declared war on them, sold her plan to invade Mogadishu. The then govt had to accept the help ofcoz.
Afwerki gave the legitimate ICC some help knowing very well that this was an invasion on Somalia by TPLF.

Kenya, TPLF and Djibouti branded accused him supporting terrorism thus lobbied sanctions on him.

TPLF minions pushed the misinformation that got us all fooled
Afwerki knowing how Somalia stood with him against an imperialistic Ethiopia 🇪🇹 stood with Somalia.

I opposed Hon. @FarahMaalimM at every time he told that truth up until the truth came out.
TPLF misinformation were so deep that they were rubber stamped everywhere. Had TPLF not invaded Somalia. The country would have not seen much of the Alshabab manage today.

TPLF orphans are doing exactly that today.

Somalia is grateful to Afwerki for helping the ICC
Every sane Somali was afraid of the country turning into a fanatical terrorist hub, they exploited a post 9/11 new normal world.

The misinformation we are fighting against today is the same proportion.

Somalia is still fighting against TPLF alies Uhuru 🇰🇪 and IOG 🇩🇯.
Pres. Afwerki at that time supported the armed struggle and the liberation of the islamic courts union knowing that it was a Somali revolution, he tried to help get the country back on its feet.

TPLF invasion resulted in
Gabre Federation
Had Males zanawi not invaded the country ofcoz with backing of Kenya and Djibouti.

Somalia would've had a different storyline. The ICU would've formed a unitary govt with the TFGS and all these mess would've been avoided.

TPLF just delayed our rise, in sha Allah we shall rise.
Many of the truth came out after the ouster of TPLF im 2018, most of Somalis were afraid to say their truth lest they get murdered by TPLF junta that had all Somali faction eating from her palm for the past 20+ years, frrom ras caseer to Raskambooni.
All that said, it's actually appalling to see the same people who president Afwerki supported and Eritrean people stood by bad mouthing him and Eritrea 🇪🇷 for cheap political expediency.

Eritrea 🇪🇷 was sanctioned for 14 yrs while aiding Somalia 🇸🇴 against the TPLF.

ICC but ICU = Islamic Courts Union.
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