I was 16 when Obama was inaugurated. Most of all I remember how excited and joyful so many people were on the day: we'd put this man in power to rescue us not just from a scary crisis but from decades of immiseration and degradation. He was The One.
What fools we were.
Obama never intended to do anything but betray us. If you look at how rich he and his family are now, you'll know the reason why. But I wasn't as cynical then as I am now: it was Obama who was my sensei in bitterness and hatred.

And now we come to Joe Biden, 12 years later.
Biden has none of Obama's rhetorical gifts and none of his charisma. Obama legitimately won 2008; Biden cheated to win 2020. Obama at least lied to us to give us hope; Biden's lies have involved pittances on which he's promptly reneged.
None of this is going to go well.
Biden begins with a 48% approval rating. No one gives Biden a grace period except the same corrupt corporate-owned media who've enabled him all along. The most popular person at Biden's inauguration was Bernie, the people's president.
Biden will lead us, but where and to what?
We true leftists, who refused on the grounds of both practicality & principle to give Biden our one precious vote, already know where this is headed: big GOP victories in 2022. A more-competent Trump become president in 2024, using the tools Biden handed him to impose fascism.
Have you ever felt you're a passenger on a runaway train and the only thing to do is hold on tight and hope you survive the crash you have no way of stopping? I feel you. Because we're on a runaway train headed for a cliff and there are no brakes.
If we survive: take revenge.
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