although i meme about it and dont brag about the really good parts about the game, hear me out in this serious post about the franchise
the yakuza saga is absolutely phenomenal
the storytelling is the best i've seen, all deaths have character building around it(1/8)
so when someone dies/plot twist, the player really feels the moment of tension and initial shock that hit in a way only yakuza made me feel(except kiwami 1 fuck that game)
you'll also never know what crazy shit will happen, cause since from the start the idea gives one (2/8)
certain reason why all that stuff is happening right now, is vague but objective, y'know what i'm saying? enough to make you continue wondering whats gonna twist the plot next
the characters feel real and memorable, they feel like thats a real person there.(3/8)
goro majima, a character so loved for his crazy personality although serious when needed and has a huge friendship with kiryu
daisaku kuze, a man that lost almost every rank in the dojima family but yet he comes back again and again to hope that once you'll retreat and learn(4/8)
how's done the real yakuza way.
kazuma kiryu, the protagonist that is feared for the dragon of dojima name, a guy that almost no one can beat, and he looks always serious, but playing the game you'll see his goofy and lovable side too.(5/8)
there's so much other examples i can give.
the world of kamurocho is so recognizable and yet it amazes you every new game, the tokyo lights with lots of stuff to do every corner is the closest recreation i've seen of a city in japan.(6/8)
basically, i gave a little preview of whats to come in the yakuza games.
when i usually say "play yakuza" i know im not always clear why you should play so this thread should do a little overall of why you should play
of course there's some honorable mentions(7/8)
like the sidequests, minigames, the fighting etc etc.
but i just wanted to make this thread so i can get more people to play the masterpiece that is this series.
maybe i'll do one of the fallout franchise in the future!
thanks for reading!
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