only in the intellectual wasteland known as the west would people be convinced that re-education and vocational training is sinister
they’re literally learning vocational skills for jobs so they can reintegrate smoothly back into society. but i guess it requires dialectics to realize that not every country is morally corrupt like western ones are and that their concerns are just projection
if you’re a leftist, you were probably re-educated at some point too & are still being re-educated on some things. you probably just call it “unlearning” instead of re-education.

it’s so pathetic because nobody in the global south falls for this fear mongering, just wasterners
it’s objectively the most humane & rational solution to a Wahhabism problem funded & exacerbated by western imperialists that has killed thousands of innocent people & injured many more in terrorist attacks. education & de-radicalization instead of drone strikes & Guantanamo Bay
western projection & the inability to understand anything outside of a western lens gets the best of y’all, literally nothing said here is true. they do go home, they do speak their language (they’re just learning Mandarin for jobs ffs) & they still do practice their rich culture
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