Interesting situation unfolding at Salmon Creek Legacy, where a crowd of far-right activists are demanding the release of an elderly woman who was admitted for a UTI and then refused a COVID test

Unclear whether she was tested against her will or not? Either way, they're pissed
(Thank you @bashingfash for the tip!)
Ammon Bundy's YouTube channel is livestreaming which is great, livestreaming is going to make me very, very lazy

(it's honestly both impractical and unsafe for me to infiltrate small groups, so this is my life until the far right recovers from J6)
The cops are currently blocking the small (maskless, obviously) group from entering the building proper

The narrator--a woman in maybe her 30s--claims they've been maced and grabbed by the throat by riot cops. I haven't gone back through the livestream to confirm
Livestream just died, tragically. This is what I get for being lazy
Last thing they said is that the hospital has agreed to release the patient, which, good. I mean, it's her right to refuse medical care

Except of course, it's not her refusing care. It's her daughter, who presumably has a power of attorney

Because her mom has a brain tumor
When Satin--that's the daughter--learned that her mother was going to be released she began to cry with relief

It's important to remember that these people really, truly believe that things like COVID tests are dangerous. She's doing this from a desire to protect her mother
This whole thing breaks my heart honestly. Everything about it
The livestream is back up--sort of, it's very glitchy--and the standoff continues while the far-right activists continue to await the release of Gayle Meyer

The cops nervously asking whether more people are coming which, yes. Yes they will be. I got an alert 30 minutes ago
The activists are very angry that the cops enforced the hospital's no-going-into-a-hospital-where-immunocompromised-and-sick-people-are-without-masks-or-even-with-masks policy

The activists are angry at the cops generally, and let's talk about that real quick
Sometimes people get irritated about people caring about semantics. Proud Boy, Oathkeeper, III%, Groyper, Patriot Prayer--what's the difference?

Here's a great example of the difference: the people at this hospital are militia types and they have NEVER liked cops. This isn't new
Anyway, apparently Satin (the daughter of the woman she's trying to get released) has been invited inside to talk about her mother's release

The narrator of the video advises her to go with a witness just in case they try to hurt her in there
The video narrator is now walking around filming the many, MANY cop cars at Legacy and complaining about how much taxpayer money they're wasting

Now she's yelling at the cops for coming out and getting overtime "instead of standing with the people"

Militia types, y'all
The narrator of this video is now lambasting the cops for shooting Kevin Peterson--a Black man murdered by cops--for holding a few anti-anxiety pills when "this hospital is the biggest drug dealer around!"

She says he probably feared for his life when he pulled his gun
(again: militia types have common ground with the left. Also a LOT of uncommon ground. Don't get suckered either way)
The far-right narrator is really distressed that the cop cars are just sitting in the street running and wasting gas

Which I'll admit is less than ideal

She's also still very mad that they stopped maskless people from entering a hospital
"Don't shoot me please even though my back's to you, OK?" she says to the cops and well played, honestly
More far-right activists have arrived to yell at the cops. "Defund all of them!!" the narrator urges. She says she DID back the blue, but no more.

"It's unfortunate, you guys. We voted for you guys!" the new activist says
A woman in a wheelchair emerges from the hopital to huge applause. She looks unbelievably frail, bundled in a thick blanket

I hope she doesn't have COVID
"She's used to all this excitement, you guys....she comes to all our protests. She's always in her wheelchair. And she loves it"

I hope that's true, I hope she does love it, it doesn't seem like she has a lot of control over what happens to her
Ooh, apparently they're going to have a Blue Lives Matter flag burning party in an hour, holy shit

I mean, the night is young, too early to go to bed, might as well
(Also the ladies of the far right are going to have their clothing exchange after all which is good news. We have very different ideas of style, but I'm sure they'll have a nice night)
As they wrap up, the far-right narrator tells the police that they are "Blue ISIS. Shameful!"
Satin just went and showed the cops her mom's pocket constitution and told them they ought to read it. I used to have a pocket constitution like that, back in the Before Times

Anyway the livestream is done and so is this thread, unless they decide to burn flags
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