"Why Online learning can’t sustain on its own"⚡️Parents are not able to cope up as they need to WFH/ go to office with kids at home⚡️Loss in focus & get diverted/ distracted easily⚡️Fatigue is growing among teachers and students⚡️Drop in academic honesty. ⚡️Change in study habits
⚡️Loss in focus & gets distracted easily⚡️ Sts moved from being active learners to passive listeners⚡️Habit formation & sleeping hours have changed, both for students & teachers⚡️Study hours have reduced & practice towards writing has dropped⚡️mistrust between parents & schools
⚡️Drop in Peer learning & social skills⚡️Lack in digital detox⚡️Increase in cyber bullying or abuse⚡️No physical activity⚡️learning hours has reduced⚡️sedentary lifestyle⚡️stress on eyes & posture⚡️Disparity in devices⚡️Difficult to handle differentiation in a large online class
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