As a first #DemsDoGood thread, I want to push back on this utterly bad faith. It is false, and intended to divide good people against each other and lead to another demagogue. We won't let it work.
Ms. McEvoy lies about "executive order" when actually Biden said "I will immediately reverse the Trump administration's cruel and senseless policies that separate children at our border." Politifact has ALREADY deemed that true
Because THE LAW provided for the prosecutions without regard to children being separated, it is necessary for CONGRESS to change the law. And so, Biden sent a bill to Congress ON DAY ONE to change the law.
Pending Congressional action, the remaining things within the power of the Presidency are to make it plain that his policy is NOT to separate families and to take immediate steps to try to reunite those that were separated. SO THAT'S WHAT HE DID - IMMEDIATELY.
On January 26, 2021, Biden issued a letter to all US attorneys (the prosecutors with the discretion to decline prosecution that separates families) which officially rescinds the zero tolerance policy.
Biden is set to announce a task force on reunification on Tuesday. That would have already happened BUT SENATOR "TRAITOR" HAWLEY stopped the confirmation of DHS Secretary Mayorkas.
And so, let's celebrate that #DemsDoGood. Biden promised to end the Sessions/Trump policy of Kids Kaptured in Kages and he is doing just that. Thank you @POTUS. Thank you @DrBiden
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One day in the glorious future I will edit before I hit "tweet." One day.
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