I’ve covered int terrorism for 20 years & the total LACK of parallels to the US domestic terror threat are real & frightening in light of this radicalization, demonizing millions of Americans as the ‘enemy’ to justify locking them up/silencing them & getting rid of the 2nd amdmt. https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/1354570135927988225
Obliterating the U.S. in order to establish Islamic rule worldwide in an Islamic caliphate vs freedom & the U.S. constitution? 9/11 vs Jan 6? Beheading, torturing, killing hundreds of thousands thousands of Muslims vs no threat anyone at DHS/FBI/Congress can articulate?
Is this an orchestrated assault from those who escaped accountability for their crimes, now using their power against anyone they want to destroy - to spy on Americans (again) & frame innocent people (again) but this time make them terrorists instead of Russian spies/traitors?
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