1/ The emergence of Variants of Concern has developed into a huge issue - for increased infectivity and avoidance of immunity. It’s driving Draconian measures in restrictions to travel (at last) as well as modelling nightmares. So research into VOCs is urgent.
2/ CIHR, to its credit, is targeting $25 million to VOC research. See: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52305.html 
3/ There are 3 programs. One isn’t open to anyone not already funded for variant analysis. A second is for extra Project grants on VOC research (not clear if these were those not funded in the current comp). And lastly, a network of networks.
4/ So no room for new innovations in variant detection and reporting in an environment where these are (a) exploding and (b) laughing at our plodding attempts. Here’s some unsolicited advice. (i) Don’t do this (ii) Send the money to the Public Health Labs across the country...
5/ (iii) Let the PHLs work with local research labs to create an analytical pipeline now. Not in 3-6 months or more. This will work. The PHLs are working their butts off and are not funded for research. They can also act on the results. There is not time to build structures.
6/ There is no time to waste. There are no territories to defend. Assimilate the PHL data through @guilbourque’s superb CanCovid data initiative. Done.
P.S This notice was sent out from CIHR at 6:15 on a Friday evening. 🤔
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