1/ For years, a friend (“RD”) and I trade examples we find of
“Nominative Determinism”—

—when someone’s name possibly maybe influenced what they ended up doing in their career (or otherwise and most probably just hilarious coincidence)...

Like... https://aldosohm.com/ 
2/ Or...”Catherine Counts” who does statistcal quantiative work (but should have obviously focused on feline population numbers)... https://twitter.com/realscientists/status/1355270147133427712
4/ Or firefighter from Sun Prairie, Wi... “Les McBurney’🔥👨🏼‍🚒
5/ Or fast-food franchise guru “John Hamburger”
6/ Or on more somber serious note, “Les Payne” who helped highlight pain of inequality + racial injustice
7/ Or this illustrators artist name “Cyan Daly”...from this Washington Post piece
8/ The Chief Commercial officer prepared to do commerce + send accounts payables out... “Bill Ready” (via @bznotes
9/ The fraudulent chiropracter...Jeffrey Kimberly SPINA
10/ Tom Kitchin - Chef...

ht @raymondfdf
11/ “Clare Lane”—traffic reporter.

ht @beenbenn
12/ I mean...vasectomies. Dr. Richard “Dick” Chopp...

ht @ozyurtcu
13/ Jeffrey Housenbold - on OpenDoor board
14/ Dog named “Trigger” who accidentally shot is owner in foot. ht @zacktrak
15/ The CEO of MEAT co Smithfield is “Dennis Organ”

ht @RMac18
16/ Climate scientist...”Betsy Weatherhead”

i mean did she really even have a choice growing up?

ht @tlancaster50
17/ Male fertility doc... Eric Seaman

ht @JPQ
18/ Joe Fast...naturally.

ht @McCreadieWill
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