There's someone from US in my mentions telling me Canadian crips shouldn't complain b/c we have it so good here.

I am so tired of the oppression Olympics. The 'Good Canada' myth. The word universal being used for things that aren't. You all win. You're mostest hard done by.
You're right. I have a roof. I'll shut up & be grateful - how weird is it this bs is coming from people on the left not the right these days. Often from people who also have a roof and higher income and ARE NOT AT HIGH RISK OF DYING from Covid.

But you win. I'm so lucky.
I'm so super fortunate that no politician and no media cares about the hundreds of high risk poor people cramped into my building because good postal code. I'm so lucky that we don't get masks or vaccines or any support of any kind. I'm so lucky to be left to die in this box.
I'm so privileged that no one gives af and why would you show solidarity because I don't suffer at all. I have it so good. Once a week I have a conversation through the door with my friend who takes out my garbage. Man the luxury of my life I tell you.
But please keep sending me your tweets for me to share while never sharing mine because as you have all pointed out my life is fantastic and everyone in my building and all the shouting and flashing lights and projectiles from 15 stories up are just bc we're all so happy here.
It's not as bad as...

Yes I know.

It's not as hard as...
Yes we get it.

You all do know this is the shit that used to come from the rich conservatives right?

But now it's the progressive/left that tells poor people to shut up - unless you qualify for enough points.
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