Carl Henry, who was pro-life b4 the mvment took root in evangelicalism, recognized its nuances & wrote that "pro-life" must include "a compassionate response [that] provides...alternatives & financial & other help that makes meaningful life possible," (esp for victims of rape).1/
Henry was one of the principal trailblazers of the (neo)evangelical movement as it took shape in the 20th century. He recognized that to be holistically pro-life required not just a negative response (illegalization) but a positive one as well....
2/ that includes the welfare and well-being of the mother and of women generally. He also agreed w/ @DavidAFrench that some of the best work of the pro-life mvment was in the realm of cultural apologetics, e.g. when he wrote of "the ethical principles of revealed religion."3/
The contemporary pro-life & evangelical movement would do well to do the same.
#HolisticallyProLife #WombToTomb
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