After a brief break, spy-a-thon rolls on with a movie I really like while watching it and got more annoyed at when I thought about it. Haven’t seen it since theaters.
Great opening at least. Not quite as good as Quantum’s (which is maybe the best part of that movie), but it has the benefit of segueing into an incredible Bond theme
Hahahaha forgot Wolf Blitzer is whose broadcast gets Bond back in the game.
Man, they really should’ve had at least two movies between Quantum and this.
Shanghai tower fight still looks like a million bucks
This is a pro-komodo dragon scene household
Javier Bardem working for every cent of that paycheck on screen. Tons of fun. Also fun, that run of movies around this time where bad guys kept getting caught but on purpose, half the time in glass cells.
Lol the laptop shit is soooo sweaty. Feels like they figured other beats of the plot out and just fudged the “aaah I guess they just plug it in?”
As soon as they get to Scotland, Deakins is just like “ok but for real, check _this_ shit out.”
Albert Finney the god
“What if we just light the last 20 minutes of this $200 million blockbuster with the fire from grenade explosions?”
This last bit when everything is backlit by the manor burning is incredible. And of course the shot from under the ice.
Love how weird Bardem gets with it for a moment at the end.
That “you know, we’ve never been formally introduced” “oh my name is is eve. Eve Moneypenny.” is just ever so slightly less clunky thank “you should go by your full name. I like that name... Robin.”
Mostly a v fun time even though the v beginning & end really bug me. It’s funny that I wish the Craig films had more of a chance to be stand alone yet my problem with this one is that it just doesn’t make any sense in the sequencing of the films and the 2nd reboot ending is lame
This isn’t helped since I know that Spectre (which I haven’t seen yet) apparently works over time to re-retcon/connect everything—even though it’s all fairly connected—thus making the second reset feel like a red herring since we’re never gonna see Craig’s Bond just on a mission
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