When you say it’s ok to point the gun at me as long as you don’t threaten to shoot me & so then you point the gun at me & threaten to shoot me as long as you don’t shoot me & so then you point the gun at me & threaten to shoot me & shoot me but don’t kill me & so then...that’s us https://twitter.com/lukebroadwater/status/1355153074680168448
In case it was less than obvious, my point is we somehow have this phrase ‘armed protest’ in our insane country and maybe we need to start with that. Armed protests? We are insane
We say all Patriots need to carry guns. And that all Patriots need to carry guns to protests to show the people we elect (or more likely the voters who voted fo the other person) that we will kill them cuz quotes about trees of freedom and blood. That’s perfectly normal, right?
We think it’s patriotic to carry weapons of war to a statehouse and hint hint and often flat out say we will kill you and ‘you’ can be whoever we choose at that time. That’s perfectly normal, right?
I sit outside your house with a gun and say I need to refresh the tree of Liberty with your blood and I’m heading to jail (or maybe not, I’ve given up knowing what people say is crime-worthy) but I do it outside a state house & I’m a patriot. That’s perfectly normal, right?
We now elect idiots cuz we are idiotic now. And now we elect conspiracy violent extremists cuz we’re conspiracy violent extremists now. We are what we tolerate. We are what we excuse. And we are what we elect. And so here we are being so like this. No excuses. This is insane
I work gang gun cases where they call the other gang the ‘opp’ or ‘opposition’. And one gang’s raison d'être is to punk the other gang or not be punked by the other gang. But we have an entire political system EXACTLY the same, to include crime and violence. But it’s patriotic
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