Oh boy this town hall is gonna turn into a debate between Stefani and Boudin real quick.
Um someone said gun violence and car jackings have been happening every night in Cow Hollow??? That would be big if true.
lol Stefani insinuating that Chesa isn't charging people in gun violence.

he quickly corrected her.
Oof Chesa just publicly called Stefani for financial support to expand his victim’s services unit.

someone asked him about the NYs eve event insinuating the criminal had outstanding warrants. Chesa highlighted there were no Warrants
Senior from Russian Hill asks how the supe and DA are going to make Sf safer for seniors.

Stefani (rightfully) highlights dangers of streets for seniors. Highlights tragic incident at Geary and Gough
She continues, talking about someone in Anza vista who was 80 and was shoved in broad daylight. Person is in the hospital. Extremely sad :(
She continues around garage break ins. Btw someone tried to break into my garage last week 😬
Chesa highlights his four parents who are over 75.

He mentions the case in Anza Vista case, and is eager to see the perpetrator be arrested so he can bring him to justice
Chesa then pushes back highlighting that robberies are actually down. Which is the truth and he drops the link to the SFPD crime data in the chat.
23% drop in robberies from 2019 to 2020
He goes on to highlight that he has special DA investigators who look into scams against seniors, especially seniors.

Goes on to highlight that we need to prevent crime.
Stefani agrees robberies are “slightly down” but the police are saying robberies are actually more violent.

Highlights a broad daylight gun robbery. Then she freezes
Frozen Supervisor
Stefani unfreezes and says Marina robberies are more violent according to the police. Assks to meet with Chesa. Chesa agrees and goes on to discuss how he charges gun robberies.
Cynthia from lower pacific heights highlights that the Walgreens near her is being robbed, the DA doesn't charge small crimes, and how does not charging that stop crime?
Chesa says that's misinformation, and they do prosecute robberies, and even petty theft sometimes.

Police clearance rates are 3% of these. That means 97% of them never make it to the DA.
Goes on to highlight state law has changed to allow people to go into a diversion program for petty theft.

Highlights that police are demoralized about arresting petty thefts.

Thinks police are also frustrated that there aren't more severe sanctions for petty theft.
Chesa goes on saying that he has to follow state law around prosecution, and can't charge cases that never get to him.
Stefani says the thefts are traumatizing for Walgreens employees. (MMMM maybe). She then goes on and say the SFPD is inadequately staffed (lol really???) and they can't station people at every Walgreens
She then goes on to highlight that these are usually people selling to fencing operations, or that people are selling stuff online to amazon. This is actually very true. Fencing operations are a big deal. We need investigators for these operations.
Stefani highlights the importance of statewide retail theft task force, and why we need to keep it funded. Chesa agrees, highlighting that police can't be everywhere but we can work in the background. DA office reclaimed $11 million in stolen goods last year.
he highlights that SFPD can't staff every Walgreens, which I didn't know people expected, but then goes onto mention his new community liaison program to have a rep for every district in our office.
Chesa's team started finding repeat offenders and are actually writing more warrants outside of SFPD for these people.
Ellen from Pacific Heights asks how the DA's office is addressing crime from homeless, people with mental health issues, and drug addictions
Chesa highlights county jail is providing more mental healthcare than anywhere in the district. it's a problem, inhumane, and not keeping people safe.

We're leaving people in the streets until they commit crimes to lock them away.
Chesa says that every case brought to him is reviewed to see what the root cause of the crime is. he mentions he wants to hold them accountable to the cause so we don't have repeat offenders and get them help.
goes on to mention most cities of California have high recidivism rates, 2/3rds of folks end up back in jail. speaks for needs for more intervention programs, safe injection sites, etc
Stefani clearly writing things down whenever he talks. She is clearly here to debate him.
she agrees that our jails are not the place to house people with mental illness. behavioral health court is ineffective because you have to cause a crime to get in there.

mentions a woman in presidio is constantly in and out of sf general being 51/50'd
mentions she was at sf gen and got put into a 5250? hold which means she needs additional help, which requires a hearing and due process to conserve her. the 5250 hearing resulted in a public defender said she shouldn't be conserved, the hearing officer agreed, and she was let go
she goes on saying if we wanna take mental health seriously we have to get them the help they need, including ding conservatorship.

fyi my friend was 5150'd over the summer and she said it was horrible. it was really bad for her mental health.
goes on to mention a hearing on addiction on February 11th with formally addicted folks, and what helped them and how we can help others (sounds good). says people don't take people who recovered seriously.
Chesa, wants to echo comments on conservatorships, but highlights that the DA doesn't always have the mandate or ability to put people in conservatorships.
goes onto a question in the chat. Chesa has a 75% charge rate for drug sales. It's the single largest category. doesn't think it's effective, and the war on drugs is a failure.

would love to work with law enforcement officers for more intervention.
highlights City Attorney is filing injunctions against drug users, and DA had already charged everyone on that list.
Stefani goes on to say this is a huge issue, and drug sales and deaths are off the hook (agreed, it's tragic). wants to follow up on the cases. what is the initial filing? possession and the sale of drugs, drug possession, and penal code 32(?)

what is happening at plea and dispo
Stefani getting wonky. But really wanting stronger crackdown on drug sales.

Does @SupStefani think the war on drugs is good???
Chesa highlights covid has made these cases take longer to solve. Huge backlog, had to deploy resources to deal with agency scandal in the medical examiner office.

Never got any money from the city to deal with it
Chesa did say before he got to office it did land on penal code 32 disposition. He also has to follow sate laws to consider immigration consequences when negotiating a case.

many drug dealers are undocumented immigrants.
the mod moderator says we are at time.

bummed my question didn't get answered.
Chesa has a town hall on February 4th. so you can join him then.

He does a town hall once a month! That's no small feat.
ok we done. I never intended to live tweet this so I missed some stuff in the beginning. hope I didn't misunderstand anything. happy to be corrected if I did!
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