Summary of Lenin’s article ‘Where to Begin?’ [thread]
I like introducing Lenin to new leftists with this article, as it formed the basis for what became his first significant work ‘What is to Be Done?’, written in 1901, and was something of a critique of Russian radicals, and a call for a broad party organization.
Lenin’s works were written to address various situations at multiple different historical conjunctures, and as such I recommend that if one were to fully study him, then they should start from the beginning and work their way forward. I have found this the optimal approach.
Lenin immediately starts the article with a call to practical action, as a plan to overthrow the Czarist autocracy was needed. One that would avoid police repression, sectarianism, and social chauvinism. Ultimately how to get from point A to point B.
Economism can refer to either class reductionism or welfare state advocacy, while eclecticism refers to a lack of overall direction. These terms should be properly contextualized in the historical conjuncture they were used, rather than interpreted literally.
Since this is about a call to political action practicality, overall revolutionary politics, and how organizations comport themselves are more important than what tendency one claims on paper. Principled line struggle is fine, placing your org above the oppressed masses is not.
It should be made clear that in the modern day with a sort of overlap between digital and physical radical spaces and not living in Czarist Russia this is about having a set goal in mind and being ready to change tactics at a moment’s notice. Not dogmatic adherence to an org.
The point is to read the texts to learn what we can use that works, not copy and paste the Bolshevik Revolution on to wherever we reside. Lenin did not copy and paste the Paris Commune in Russia, henceforth we needn’t copy and paste the Bolshevik Revolution wherever we are.
After a short exposition on the question of civil versus militant struggle and that revolutionaries must use both methods as needed, Lenin comes to discuss how to disseminate material among the masses, and help raise their consciousness.
At the time the primary method was printing newspapers, often in different locations to avoid being traced by the Czarist police. Nowadays this can be in the form of digital media. Memes, posts, blogs, YouTube videos, et cetera. All of it can supplement political education.
It is imperative to first analyze the composition of a working class, as it is often composed of those marginalized on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and disability. Ultimately centering the marginalized is conducting class struggle.
A succinct summary for the point of the article Lenin makes clear that radicals should be ready to support the struggles of the marginalized at a moment’s notice. Keep updated about what’s going on, and keep on top of things as much as you are able to.
‘Where to Begin?’ is a good article to read before tackling ‘What is to Be Done?’ as all of the points Lenin raised here were expanded into a full book. It should be treated as a product of its time, and seen through that lens. It can give one a lot of pointers for sure.
But it is not scripture with a singular interpretation. Texts should always be read with a critical eye first and foremost, and theory should be seen as a means to navigate complexities and to be able to help oppressed people become conscious of how to liberate themselves.
I recommend reading several different interpretations of a text to get a better picture of its most historically accurate meaning, and to engage with it on a deeper level. Careful study over time is more important than the overall volume of reading.
Hope this thread was informative. I may post more like this in the future. If you found it valuable please consider donating to this GFM. Also if you are able to, please post receipts to encourage others to match. 
Thread end. Have a good day.
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