In light of the #harshwritingadvice tag trending, I wanted to share my #writing story. If it prevents just one #writer from giving up, it will be worth the time it took me to tweet this. Yes, writing is hard, it takes hours and even years of our lives, but it is worth it.
Two years ago, I decided I wanted to improve my writing and perhaps fulfill one of my life goals of writing a novel. I enrolled in writing course after writing course.
Everything from the learning to write fiction to writing 100-word stories, writing flash fiction, writing short stories, writing an entire novel, even psychology for writers. Basically I've been in some form of writing class now for two years.
I also bought many books on the art of writing. In short, I devoted 2 years of my life to trying to learn the craft of writing, and IT IS a craft. During this process, I wasn't sure if the money and time I was investing was really making a difference.
It all felt so hard, and the dream of completing a novel someone might want to read often seemed unattainable. Last night I spent a few hours reading the words I was writing when I began my journey. They were dire, but there was a seed there waiting to grow, I see that now.
And even if I don't succeed when eventually I start subbing out my novel (hopefully soon!), I can tell my writing has improved beyond my wildest dreams thanks to all the time and effort, not only I invested, but also thanks to those who shared their wisdom, knowledge & advice.
For anyone starting out as a writer, or who had been trying, know if you commit to learning the craft, you will improve, and maybe one day you'll even write a bestseller.
More important though, is that one day, hopefully like me, you'll write something you actually feel proud of. Don't give up, someone is waiting to read your story.

#Writers #amwritingfiction #WritingCommunity #writing #harshwritingadvice
Most important lesson: Believe in yourself as a writer and do not give up. You can do this if you believe in you. ♥️
Also don't number your tweets if like me, you are useless at math!

#Writers #writingtips #WritingCommunity #writing #HarshWritingAdvice it is not :)
I realize I am an unpublished nobody (hopefully soon the unpublished part will change), but my #writing journey may still have value and be important to some #Writers ♥️
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