The media is determined to make coverage of the Senate trial the same as ever DC horse race: votes aren't there, who will do and say what. Nope. Not this time - we'll be court reporters on this one. /1
We turned out in record numbers - despite every barrier. We fought to see every vote counted - despite every maneuver, intimidation & outrage. And we made the will of the people prevail: swearing in the leaders we picked to govern in our name. /2
Now, we demand #JusticeForUS. Every Senator gets to show us where they stand: with the basic premise that we count every vote because every voice counts or with the peddlers of deadly lies, seeking to sow division & throw out the votes of Black, young and new Americans. /3
We won this election by joining together across race and place to prove we call the shots here & we pull through by pulling together. Senators have the chance to show us that same courage by ensuring no one who stoked violence & fueled division can ever govern in our name.
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