Today I received a letter from Brandi L. Orth of @VoteFresnoCo stating that my Nov. ballot wasn't counted.

My vote wasn't counted bc something was wrong with my signature.

This is after curing my ballot. They still threw it out.

Now +
I vote by mail and have voted by mail for at least the last six years.

Never had a problem with my signature.

But, no big deal right?

Except I live in deep Trump country.


I live adjacent to Devin Nunes's district. To just give you an idea of where I live.

But worst of all, some of you may remember I went in to cure my ballot.

At the counter, yes in person, I was told there was nothing else that I needed to provide.
I asked if I needed anything other than the verification statement.

I was told no.
But Pete Merchant, who works for Brandi, told me oh, well, the rules are you need to update your signature. The only way to do that is to re register.

RE REGISTER TO VOTE. So my signature is updated.
Here's the thing that makes me want to hulk smash.

I voted early. When I say, early, I mean they sent the ballot the first week of Oct, I believe, and I returned it the same day I received it.
Here's why you should be mad.

How many people did they do this to?

How many ballots were thrown out?

How many people walked in and received bad information about what they needed to do to make sure their vote counted?
This is what I'm talking about when I say CA is on the cusp of turning "red."

You don't use suppression tactics over night.

You do it again and again and again until it is less of a headache to *not* vote.
This thread is emotional labor. No ko-fi link.

You can call Brandi L Orth, tho. Put Fresno County on notice that suppression tactics won't work.

559 600 8683
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