I checked the list of NHL suspensions over the last few seasons. 3 games for boarding is pretty rare. Typically boarding receives 1 to 2 games. Repeat offender and known piece of shit Tom Wilson once received 4 games. This was Fiala's first offense, so this seems excessive. https://twitter.com/RussoHockey/status/1355284364439896065
Here is the league's video explanation for why Fiala received 3 games. https://twitter.com/RussoHockey/status/1355285241783578627
And here is the league's explanation for why Alex Kerfoot received only 2 games for boarding on a similar if not identical play. Same play. Same explanation. Neither player has a history. Kerfoot got 2 in a full season, Fiala gets 3 in a shortened season. https://www.nhl.com/video/kerfoot-suspended-two-games/t-277440360/c-4678894?tcid=tw_video_content_id
And here's multiple offender Brad Marchand cross checking a defenseless player head first into the boards, for which he received no penalty, no suspension, and no fine. But he plays for league darling Boston and is a supposed "star" so whatever I guess. https://twitter.com/hockeywildernes/status/1198416465512165377
Fiala deserves a suspension. It was ugly. All I'm saying is that all boardings that result in suspensions are ugly. What made this one deserve a suspension out of line with league precedent? Is it because he doesn't play in Toronto or Boston? Is it because he's not a star (yet)?
Anyway in summary all I am saying is Gary Bettman is a tiny little dork and I hope his Count Chocula lookin ass slips and falls down some stairs.
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