Frankly, I found this letter troubling.

It left me wondering about the civic literacy of those holding office & whether or not office holders understand their job description.
Our government has 3 separate co-equal branches:

- legislative
- judicial
- executive

We're supposed to have a "checks & balances". That means that you are not supposed to be an extension of the president.

It's your branch that drafts legislation.
The president signs or vetos.
Are you going to the president for help, because Pelosi won't put legislation on the floor?

Well, didn't you elect her Speaker?

You know she's the obstacle to legislation, & you're in the legislative body. Right?

Did you all vote for her, cause you didn't know how this works?
The way our system of govt is supposed to work is that you are supposed to put legislation on the floor, debate it publicly, & vote on it.

Then, those who vote for or against it'll pay a political price for it.

The president is NOT supposed to control the other branches of govt
I think that we all need to look at the names that signed this letter.

I think that all of these people need to be removed from office.

They have a dangerous lack of a fundamental understanding of how our govt works, & their decision making is faulty.
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