About DC Politics

. @kwamebrowndc I am vehemently opposed to both Democrats and Republicans and neither should this tweet be seen as an endorsement of you politically. That said, let me pass on this advice, mount a primary challenge against @MayorBowser,
when the Covid-19 vaccines eventually are exposed for the dangers they pose and mainstream media has no choice but to cover the fallout from this unscientific sham, @MayorBowser and every politician who have been pushing this snake oil will have albatrosses around their necks.
I've been traveling throughout DC spreading awareness of the risks involved with these "vaccines", which by the way don't provide immunity, at best they reduce the symptoms but within short order people who get the jab will be at risk to contract Covid-19 again.
That said, outside of the media echo chamber, the vast majority of Washingtonians, especially within the African-American community, are adamantly against the vaccine. So @kwamebrowndc you have an opening to the mayor's office, run against @MayorBowser not as an "anti-vaxxer"
but as a candidate who believes in authentic science not the "science" employed by @pfizer @moderna_tx @AstraZeneca @JNJCares @biogen where they rushed through a "vaccine" in three months when it normally takes 7-10 years to develop and get approval for vaccines.
You have an opening, take it and expose Bowser for who she is, a modern day overseer steering her people into slaughter houses under the name of science when in reality they are revisiting the Tuskegee Institute experiments on us.

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