lots of southern white people are self-conscious about their accents because of what others associate with ~that~, and i was probably one of those types to judge until i took a couple of classes with this brilliant philosophy professor with a georgia accent. it was interesting
language and the associations we make about someone's intellect, status, character, etc. on the basis of their language/accent/dialect are so fascinating

ultimately, tho, all such assumptions are invalid and the habit of forming such habits should be resisted as much as possible
i've met and seen people smarter than i who would not "sound" smart to the typical american, and i've seen and met some dumb mfs who sound smart.

assuming makes an ass out of you and me, etc.
it's saddening because i've even met someone from louisiana while i was working at this high school one time who actively tried to suppress his accent because of the assumptions people make about folks like him. it sucks. let's try not to perpetuate that
this was inspired by this https://twitter.com/davidhogg111/status/1355221009268355087?s=20
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