i have scientifically determined that the best way to deeply offend and wound most videogame critics is to find the consensus game that people are talking about of the moment and make a point to say you don't care about it
i don't think i've offended anyone any more than when i said "i don't care about Undertale (in 2015)" and "i'm tired of hearing about Dark Souls, what about those old weird fromsoft games" a couple years back.
i'm not sure i was ever Invited to the Club (if there even was or is such a thing, lol)... but i surely stamped a one-way ticket to eternally marching in Hater Parade due to those blunders.
"you do not have the collective investment that i do in this widely popular and successful thing" - punishable by death. do not make the mistakes in life that i have.
i am of course mostly being silly in this tweet thread, but i do also find it funny that the only things that really seemed to offend critics who were aware of me were things i considered to be pretty banal takes.
i used to buy into the idea of doing a "response" to other things people had written... but it pretty much always got read as antagonism, esp if it was from another blogger and not some person with a full-time job, so i kind of gave up on doing that anyway.
writing game crit sucks from many different angles. having some proximity to indie stuff, being critical of anything by anyone i have met or a lot of other people around me know is frowned upon. "responding" in disagreement to other people who aren't major voices is frowned upon
i mean not to mention that no one reads it or cares and that people totally antagonize any and all critique of major games if you have a bigger platform. but even as someone who is writing about smaller stuff for a blog no one reads, you're still expected to be blandly positive.
this presents a problem if you want to do actual critique and not just be a hype person and helping promote various games. that's part of the reason why there isn't a lot of criticism of that stuff! which in turn means less conversation around it, which often means less awareness
anyway It's Bad. i hope someone in the future solves this problem of how to like... actually critique http://itch.io  games in an interesting way or something without being considered a major awful hater
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