1/4 Posie Parker encourages men 'who carry' (guns) to go into women's toilets - 'to protect them'. If you spend too much time in the US you can get silly ideas. This looks like incitement to violence. Posie hasn't really thought this through... https://twitter.com/notCursedE/status/1354777558844383235?s=20
2/4 Scenario A: Many women in the US carry guns. A bloke comes into the Ladies, and a woman challenges him. He takes out his gun and is about to say: 'I'm here to protect you.' But before he can say it, she shoots him.

Scenario B: two male vigilantes encounter each other...
3/4 ...in the Ladies, thinking that the other guy has evil intentions. The result is the same: a bloodbath.

1. This will make the Ladies' toilets effectively unisex and 2. it will not make women feel safer. They might get hurt in the crossfire. 3. It also gives all kinds of...
4/4 ...deviants an excuse to enter the Ladies' toilets carrying guns.
Here is the full video (starting at 6.05) - there was no 'splicing' of the video and 'no fake news'. Seeing the second half doesn't change anything. The only difference is that PP gives two reasons for men to go into the Ladies' toilets...

Reason 1: men, take your guns into the Ladies to protect them.
Reason 2: by doing this you are challenging the idea of self-ID.

Result: this will lead to confrontation and violence, because we have men with guns in the Ladies. It is instructive that PP took down the video.
This thread made me understand identity politics better. Loyalty (to your leader) is an important quality. But when the leader makes a mistake, and admits it, by taking down a video, then there is no need to keep defending the leader to the hilt. It is encouraging...
to see that a lot of PP supporters recognise the limits of loyalty: we all make mistakes. To her credit PP has also admitted it - implicitly. But some of her supporters construct excuses: the video was fake news, it was spliced. These were off-the cuff remarks in a video...
...rather than a written proposal. It was supposed to be a stunt (with guns?). PP has no media training and she deserves the benefit of the doubt. She was misquoted. It was taken out of context. But the best one is: it was banter. 'Just banter' is the excuse...
...men use to defend their sexually inappropriate language, or disparaging remarks about women, etc. Somebody has appropriated the weaponry of the enemy.

But, as I said, it is encouraging that many supporters see the limits of loyalty, and only one person used uncivil language.
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