How to get more clarity in life?

Strategies for thinking clearly (fuck meditation )

What is clarity?

The power of weighing every outcome of your decisions in a calibrated way

You were never taught how to think clearly

& Sometimes you are in a position where your decisions impact your next 10-20 years or the rest of your life

If you don't have the clarity

You'll end up doing or having things that you never wanted to
Clarity can save your

I think these are pretty good reasons why you should be good at it
How to make clarity your bitch?

1. The Outer to Inner Method

Try a lot of shit and a lot means a lot

-Get beaten up
-Fail at some relations
-Fail at some businesses

Don't get the result you want

Keep on trying
All these things will lead you to the same question at their peak


Why do you want to do this?

What do you want out of it?
& At the end

You'll end up having clarity in almost every domain of your life at a certain age

I call it sorting your inner through the outer method
2. The Inner to outer Method

Be mindful of your thoughts

Question every emotion

Know the deep-seated reason for every desire &

You'll end up having really good clarity of your actions
The only way to be mindful is


Here is my take on it

Read it later

I call it sorting your outer through the inner method
The most successful people you know are at the blend of the above two

They have done both methods in a very large proportion

@naval is a prime example of that
The problem with the above 2 methods is that age is an important constraint
in it

You can have a certain level of failures at a certain age &

Being Enlightened also takes time
3. The Hack -1

Mental Model way

It is a hyped version of mindset and philosophies by marketers

But they do work
as @george__mack

says " Mental models are recipes for decision making"

There are hundreds of mental models that you can learn and apply to your decision-making process

But you have to smartly know how to tweak them according to your own situation
Two great sources for learning mental models are

1. George Mack twitter + Newsletter
2. @farnamstreet blog
4. The Hack -2 (Goldmine)

High-Quality Questions

Your head can be a nasty place

But if you have a set of quality questions which tests your decisions

You have got clarity
The thing with questions is that

They make you detach instantly

You can't add emotions to your questions

The guy who has mastered this art is @tferris

He has purely logical questions for most emotional things in life and they are really great
Tim's whole life is just an outcome of decision-based on high-quality questions


-Ted talks

Are the result of decision-based on his high-quality questions

Some of them are here
5. The truth

You can't be Tim Ferris

You can't be George mack

But as a wise man once said

"If you can't be Mark Zuckerberg be his roommate" - @palakzat

The Internet has provided you a sneak peek of the brain of your favorite thinker

Borrow their Clarity
6. Conclusion

-Clarity is the art of thinking clearly
-Learn mental models to build your clarity muscle
-Asking high-quality questions from yourself is the most impactful way of gaining clarity
-Borrow others enlightenment from the Internet
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