I've tolerated this TERF on my feed for a long time because she's a literary agent who may have some helpful industry insight for me. But anyone who tweets with this much arrogant ignorance and bigotry ain't got shit worth listening to.

Being a victim of anything does NOT justify bigotry. IDGAF. I am sick of seeing so many women use the misogyny and abuse *they* have experienced to excuse their own vile abuse. Victims can become villains, guys; in fact, it's a probable outcome.
The anger (towards men, the patriarchy, etc.) *is* justified, and it's no surprise when that anger can evolve into hatred. But that hate can so easily bleed out and infect other groups, marginalised groups especially. It becomes toxic and harmful, with very real consequences.
I know, it's hard to see yourself as a bully when you're the bullied, but such a mind-set can lead to a degradation of empathy found in most abusers. A deficiency created *by* abuse, true, but one that prevents you from seeing another's pain because you can only see your own.
This thread has no doubt come from being called out by Trans folk and allies, but her sarcastic arguments aren't actually Trans beliefs, they're just what she thinks Trans beliefs are. They say red, she hears blue. Honestly, her logic isn't far off the pro-life crowd's.
And if we're going to talk about what feminism *is*, let's talk about what feminism isn't: Feminism is not about oppression. Of anybody. Feminism is not about discrimination. To anybody. Feminism is not about wallowing in your own victimhood so that you can use it as a weapon.
Now you may think that TERFs and Trans people and allies are no different on a lot of these points, but the key thing to understand is: Trans people and allies aren't attacking women, they're not attacking feminism, they're attacking Transphobia. *Your* Transphobia.
If you think like this woman: Please, talk to Trans people. Listen to their struggles. Understand their existence. Their anger against you comes from the same place yours does: Pain. You are so similar, so talk to them.


Don't become like the monsters that hurt you.
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