This vaccine narrative is everything that's wrong with politics, all in one place, sewed up like a voodoo doll.

Scared, angry, dangerously misinformed, hopeless people will make any crisis worse.

But who cares, right? It's all about polls. Not lives. Polls.
I want every Canadian to remember every journalist, every politician, every strategist, every spokesperson, who contributed to the misinformation and spin, who deliberately tried to get you to give up hope by losing faith in the government so that they could play politics.
And never trust them again.

Yes, even if they're on your "team".

Because people who will do this to win elections, will do anything because this *IS* the big test. This is the crisis that shows us who we are.

And it's not pretty.
And I urge you to be angry about it. To feel really, really angry that a bunch of folks in positions of power are trying to mess with your sense of reality and manipulate your emotions for votes or clicks or whatever.

In the best of times it's wrong.

But now it's immoral.
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