This is literally just a 21st century version of the Nazis’ “Judeo-Bolshevism” myth. Same with “cultural marxism”, “Soros funds antifa”, all of that shit.

Except this guy with 180,000 followers is being much more overt with the “Judeo” part.
Also, this kind of shit always fails to consider why some Jewish people are extremely progressive. What could’ve happened to Jewish people throughout history that would cause a lot of us to be extremely left wing?
When you completely misunderstand antisemitism:
Antisemitism is not about Jews being "woke." It's not about Jews *actually* being Jewish either. It's about scapegoating, and antisemites have to create a misconstrued version of Judaism and Jewish people in order to justify using us as scapegoats.
During the Weimar Republic, Max Naumann created the Association of German National Jews, an organization that called for the total eradication of Jewish identity. They supported Hitler in his early years, but the organization was forced to disband in 1935, because they were Jews.
This is from a JTA article from 1933. Max Naumann, head of this antisemitic yet also Jewish organization, was pro-Hitler. They were still outlawed and arrested by the Gestapo in 1935. The Nazis didn’t care that they were pro-Hitler, because they were Jews.
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