Why Mbappé vs Haaland overall shouldn’t be a debate

A thread
Many people think that Haaland is a better player when in fact, it's not even a debate

I'll repeat it now, it's OVERALL not right now, I did polls and the results were 50-50 that's why I'm making this thread
League goals (tier 1 only) :

Mbappé : 94 (0.94 p90)
Haaland : 58 (1.00 p90)

The argument used against Mbappé is that he plays in a bad league, but here it's the opposite as Haaland scored 31 of those goals in Austria or Norway, only 27 in a top 5 league
Now some will say that Bundesliga is a better league than Ligue 1 and it's harder to score there. Better league ? Yes, harder to score ? Not at all

xG p90 since 19/20 :
Ligue 1 : 1.29
Bundesliga : 1.45

PSxG+/- :
Ligue 1 : -0.06
Bundesliga : -0.16
Way more chances to score and way worse goalkeepers, scoring in Ligue 1 is definitely harder than scoring in Bundesliga

Now let's look at UCL goals :
Mbappé : 21 (0.62 p90)
Haaland : 16 (1.61 p90)

Haaland seems way better, KO stages goals :
Mbappé : 7
Haaland : 2
“But Haaland only played 2 KO stages games“ that's the point, don't compare them.

You probably noticed something, I only talked about goals. Why ? Because that's the only place where Haaland comes close, Mbappé is still a better goalscorer, did it longer in a harder league
Mbappé is so good that we forget that he plays way deeper than Haaland, creating from the wings a lot

Career club assists (all comp) :
Mbappé : 64 (0.41 p90)
Haaland : 13 (0.22 p90)

Expected assists (league only) :
Mbappé : 35.5 (0.36 p90)
Haaland : 3.3 (0.14 p90)
Mbappé is way better than Haaland in this category. Let's take a look at their buildup numbers (league stats since 17/18) :

Yards progressed p90 : passing | carries

Mbappé : 85.8 | 136.7
Haaland : 29.5 | 48.3

Heatmaps from last season (Mbappe on the left, Haaland on the right)
I could have used total stats but it would have been horrible to see

If De Bruyne or Bruno stopped scoring but continued to assist they would still receive praise right ? Mbappé is doing both

It's time we realise that Mbappé is one of the best u22 in football history
I didn't talk about his World Cup performances in this thread to show that he's very much clear EVEN without his crazy competition

I just don't understand how you can rate Haaland over Mbappé in their career

End of the thread, RT's and shares appreciated
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