Think $GME is insane? And hedge funds are the worst? Well, you’ve seen nothing yet

#PrivateEquity sucks the life blood out of companies and leaves the carcass for sale.

And #PirateEquity🏴‍☠️ is everywhere — dermatologists, retailers, nursing homes, even cheerleading!
We’re talking about an industry where the house always wins

#PrivateEquity takes out a loan, shifts the debt onto a company, then forces the company to fire staff & sell real estate to foot the bill

Once the company is sold, #PirateEquity🏴‍☠️ walks away unscathed

Graphic @ceprdc
And worse? #PrivateEquity endangers our healthcare for profit!

Surprise medical billing? #PirateEquity🏴‍☠️
Understaffed nursing homes without PPE? Pirates
Dentists drilling into perfectly healthy teeth? Pirates
Dermatologists using contaminated surgical equipment? Need I say more?
How can we fix #PrivateEquity’s pillaging?

Step 1: Pass @ewarren’s #StopWallStreetLooting Act.

✅ Stops looting that enriches PE executives
✅ Makes executives liable for damages
✅ Closes tax loopholes
✅ Protects workers from bankruptcy
✅ Requires transparency for investors
Lastly, read @alexisgoldstein’s thorough explainer on $GME and policy suggestions for the future.

“Let’s hope the regulators also take a close look at the even bigger Goliaths, and figure out what role they’ve played, too.”
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