Thread: Today is #EITCAwarenessDay, and we want to share the top 10 reasons that we love the #EITC!

We want everyone eligible for the EITC to receive the credit they’ve earned, so keep reading to learn more about the credit and how it helps millions of Americans every year.
1⃣ The #EITC helps about 25 million Americans keep more of what they’ve earned. During #COVID19, the EITC has been a critical component of relief packages because it gives low-income Americans the help they need.
2⃣ The #EITC is one of the most critical tools we have to combat poverty. It lifts nearly six million people, including three million children, out of poverty each year.
3⃣ The #EITC helps narrow the racial wealth divide and the gender pay gap.
4⃣ The #EITC helps people who are going through a particularly hard time. Most EITC filers claim the credit for only one to two years at a time.
5⃣ The #EITC leads to healthier Americans, particularly expectant mothers and infants.
6⃣ Children in low-income families that benefit from state or federal #EITC expansions perform better in school and are more likely to attend college.
7⃣ Working women with children who receive the #EITC receive long-term benefits, such as increasing their lifetime earning potential.
8⃣ Both Republicans and Democrats back the #EITC as one of the best ways to reduce poverty and encourage work.
9⃣ Research shows that low-income Americans living in states that offer an #EITC on top of the federal credit live longer than those in states that do not.
🔟 Millions of military families and veterans benefit from the #EITC.
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