Thread – The Virus, Prophylaxis, Therapeutics, and Vaccines

1. When the ChiCom virus first broke out last spring, many Americans with experience in medicine, pharmacology, and related fields took personal initiative to obtain antimalarial drugs for use by their families.
2. The rationale for many was that whatever halts malaria may be a proven winner in dealing with COVID. Despite the Democrat-media agit-prop to the contrary, that intuition may have been correct, as discussed in this video:
3. The COVID Pandemic and its possible vaccines and treatments have been utterly politicized by the Democrats (including Trump-hating and Hilary Clinton-loving medical bureaucrats like Fauci and to a slightly lesser extent Dr. Birx).
4. It was also egregious politicized by the Chinese Communist Party and their subservient and incompetent WHO. Some on the Right have also come out with hopeful extreme claims for this or that which apparently do not hold water.
5. There was much published (even by established competent doctors and authoritative medical journals in the USA and overseas) on promising or mitigating treatments with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamin-D, and other things.
6. These were outrageously suppressed for no good reason by the Leftist legacy media and social media for political reasons meant to enhance their politicians' lockdown control and fear-mongering over a supine, disoriented population.
7. They used it to blame Trump for a major election issue and to destroy the unprecedented strong Trump economy. Isn’t it interesting that Democrat mayors in DC and Chicago are calling for the opening of bars and restaurants within days after The Hologram was inaugurated?
8. All I know is that Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Michael Bloomberg, George & Alex Soros, and other Democrat billionaires (and Dr. Fauci himself in a smaller way) have made $ billions (in the aggregate so far in 2021 probably well close to $ 2 trillion!) ….
8A. … by selectively playing winners and losers with their investments in Big Pharma.
9. And Big Pharma did all it could to screw Trump because they resented his relentless efforts to reduce the obscene price gouging of American consumers by the big labs and their compliant corrupt politicians in Congress for essential, inelastic-demand critical drugs.
10. They were very happy that only THEIR vaccines, and THEIR treatments were allowed on the market at their leisure and timing, so as to hurt Trump and his economy the most.
11. I don't trust diddly squat that is published in any media, especially now that we are truly fallen under communism/socialism as of today. Neither should you. My wife and I take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and others over-the-counter medications to bolster our immune systems.
12. We don’t plan on getting the vaccine (we haven’t gotten the flu vaccine in many years). A sober analysis of side effects and even deaths in a minority of the reactions to the COVID vaccines is just one of our considerations.
13. A good friend relays the following anecdote:

13A. Years ago, I spent a day with the Chief of Naval Operations' innovation Strategic Studies Group at Pfizer's R&D Center in Cambridge, Mass.
13B. From their briefings and demos, only about 1.5% of the medicines Pfizer develops actually make it to FDA approval and to market profitability.
13C. So yes, to keep shareholders happy, the prices to consumers of the successes must offset the high development costs (and even the law suits) of the many failures. But there are all too many cases of outright extreme price abuse by Big Pharma.
13D. My distrust of mandatory vaccines led me to avoid, resist, and find every possible way to successfully skip getting the Pentagon-mandated anthrax prophylactic vaccine in 1990-1991 for Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
13E. This was mandated due to the fear that Saddam Hussein would use anthrax against us. The dumb-ass vaccines that all our military were getting jabbed with had been developed only with naturally-occurring anthrax such as is found in sheep & the soil of agrarian cattle districts
13F. It was a totally useless placebo at best against Iraqi BW capabilities which were engineered from different and more potent strains of anthrax.
13G. Many people had immediate bad reactions to the anthrax vaccine, and many others eventually developed the range of deteriorative symptoms loosely called "Gulf War Syndrome" into the 2000s, of which the anthrax vaccine may have been a contributing factor.
13H. A friend of mine who worked for CDC admitted that the anthrax vaccine knowingly was designed only to be a confidence-building placebo for our troops as we went into the battlefields of Kuwait and Iraq.
13I. All those in the field were also issued atropine-cocktail injectors in case of chemical warfare attacks with nerve agents.
14. A chilling account of mandated vaccines! I can personally attest to it, as I was a recipient of that anthrax vaccine in Bahrain during Desert Shield (and fortunately suffered no known adverse symptoms afterward).
15. As for COVID-19, much more evidence has come out recently (too late for almost 400,000 Americans and for the Trump Presidency) further establishing that it was a natural virus specifically modified in a Wuhan virology lab so its protein shell would "gain" ….
15A. … and be more infectious by far to humans than the natural bat virus (although it was not a full-strength weaponized bio-warfare agent).
16. There are now also new documented reports and videos of bat breakouts in Wuhan labs going back to 2017, and especially in mid-to-late 2019 in Wuhan, of researchers and staff being bitten by bats and coming down with severe flu-like illness.
17. Among some professionals, there is no doubt whatsoever that COVID-19 was a product of a Wuhan lab associated with the People's Liberation Army, and that although its breakout may have initially been accidental and unintentional, ….
17A. … when it became a major public health catastrophe in China, the Communist Party almost certainly made the decision to deliberately help spread it to the US and the European Union so that THEIR competing economies would be as devastated as China's, or more so.
18. I advocate personal prophylaxis focusing on improved immune response as a preventative measure in consultation with one’s personal physician. If you’re in a risk group (over 70 and/or with underlying medical issues), then take other precautions.
19. As far as the vaccines are concerned, life itself is a continuing series of risks. Do what you think is best for you (but leave me alone to make my own decisions). ///The end.
A1. [He writes:] The COVID injections are not vaccines.

According to the CDC, “Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease. But they have been either killed or weakened to the point that they don’t make you sick. Some vaccines contain only a part of the disease germ.”
A2. What they call a COVID vaccine is not a vaccine. It does not contain the same “germs” that cause disease.

The shot is mRNA genetically designed to stimulate your cells to make proteins. These proteins are attacked by antibodies that are claimed to protect against COVID.
A3. Essentially, it stimulates an autoimmune response so your body attacks the protein. What could go wrong?

1. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human use.

2. Efficacy data is very short term.

3. No long-term side effects or safety has been established.
A3 (cont'd):

4. Long term efficacy (or lack thereof) is unknown. Viruses and its proteins mutate quickly. Think flu shot every year.

5. mRNA is coated in PEG nanoparticles. PEG is known to induce allergies and autoimmune disease.
A3 (cont'd):

6. Other ingredients both disclosed and undisclosed.
A4. The above represents why so many people AND medical professionals are not lining up for the shots. We feel the best offense against viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites is a strong defense. This defense is not injected. It can only be earned.

///The end.
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