I know we’re all keeping an eye on the clock for the weekend, but it’s going to be a cold one, and we need to think about our homeless neighbors during this season (thread)
If you’re here in NJ, you can check out the Code Blue info from @NJ211. You can dial 211 or 877-652-1148 for info on emergency shelters to stay safe.
Our counties have great resources too. If you’re in Ocean, you can visit http://www.co.ocean.nj.us/OC/OCDHS/frmCodeBlue.aspx and in Burlington, visit https://www.co.burlington.nj.us/AlertCenter.aspx
Let’s be clear: there’s a lot Congress can and should be doing to address homelessness right now, especially as millions of families are perpetually days away from eviction.
Eviction moratoriums have helped, but we need real, long term policies that can help get people the care they need so they can get back on their feet. If not now, in the time of greatest need, when? There’s no excuse not to act. (End)
You can follow @AndyKimNJ.
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