Here is some real writing advice for real people: you don't need 'flow.' Flow is great, but you can absolutely write a book in 20 minute chunks while the baby is asleep or in the evening or whenever you have the energy. You can get a whole book that way if you do it often enough.
I was forced to write this way when I had 2 small kids at the same time, one of whom had medical issues. I wrote several issues of Ms Marvel in 20 minute chunks sitting next to a hospital bed.
Is it *ideal?* No it is not. I often look longingly at the way my single/childfree (or child-having but wealthier) artist friends have arranged their lives. Long stretches of contemplative time would be GREAT. But sometimes it's just not feasible. Art is still feasible.
And you don't have to write every day, either. Sometimes you simply won't have the energy. That's fine. As long as you don't abandon the thing outright, you will finish it eventually.
This is meant to remove pressure, not add it. This is not "you've got 20 free minutes, why aren't you writing a book?!" This is me saying don't be afraid to do it that way if you have to.
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