In the last year, I've used SO many great products + services to bring @verkoutapp to life.

Here I start a (slowly-developing) thread of the #StartupTools I've used to go from 0 to 1. Feel free to reply with your favorites as well!
For finding a great domain name, I love @domainr. Always have. Always will.
For groupware basics and staying organized, I'm a @GoogleDocs guy all day long. Anything that I can't fit in my brain goes into a Sheet or Doc.
I decided to go serverless with @verkoutapp. The @awscloud offering has been stellar. Lambda functions, an API gateway with edge caching, serverless Aurora: fan-fricking-tasting.
Yes, I write code, but I'm the Verkout marketer too! @Canva has made it trivially easy to build beautiful Instagram posts.

For tracking key growth metrics, @Amplitude_HQ is phenomenal. Need to get to the bottom of a user churn problem? They've got it baked straight in. Realllly impressive product.
Dealing with App Store subscriptions is more complicated than you might think. To make this easy, I depend on . Solid.
Getting into either app store requires submitting a gallery of device-specific screenshots. SO painstaking. For this, @AppScreens_com is a godsend. Great product!
Since legal docs make my eyes glaze over, getting the initial paperwork set up to start a business is difficult for me.

Stripe @Atlas took care of this, and it's worked really well. Additionally, since @awscloud is a partner of theirs, I got some AWS credit. $$$
You can follow @bdainton.
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