I was rewatching Sorbet and wtf is wrong with Hannibal Lecter?
He told his patient they can't be friends with each other and he's rude and annoying!
And in the next sequence, he told to his psychotherapist they're friendly with each other and she said don't be annoying Hannibal!
Then in the next sequence, he pretended he was drinking with his psychotherapist in his own office (although he drank in Bedelia’s office) to get his favorite patient to drink with him and be more friendly with him!
Nothing is wrong with him, he is just a lonely slut!
Then Franklin told him that being alone comes with a dull ache and he suddenly felt pain in his heart when Will didn't show up for his appointment!
And what Hannibal the slut Lecter did? He drove an hour to find Will, he's so cute!
And Will went to fuck Hannibal but he found out it's a party and they're not alone so he left! Poor cannibal lost his chance so early and didn't catch a chance again for years!
And for ending this thread, HAND PORN!
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