Let's talk photos.

This is shot, "straight out of the camera" (which isn't true, because the data has been "corrected" by my editing software; before I ever saw it.
This is what the histogram looks like, I also have a tool up, as yet unused, for playing with density; mapped (more or less) to the Ansel Adams/Minor White "zone system"
Here, I've moved the zones about, moving both where they fall, and how wide (or not) they are.

Which changes the picture a fair bit; even though the actual changes are fairly subtle.
But what I really want to do, is make this a B&W image.

That's harder, because "Digital B&W" is actually an analog process, and to make it work, you have to play with it as if you had been doing serious filtering; because you want to get the black point/white point to move.
Here is the plain "desat" of both the original, and the edited image.

The first one is flat, the second has much more tonal range, but it's still not all it could be.
Compare these. (each of the following pairs is the contrast adjusted images, and a bit of color filtering.
You can also combine the color filters.
None of those images is at all "realistic" if you run them in color. (though some are less off of "true" than others)
A bit more playing with where the zones fall, some sharpening to give it grain, and it's done.

The program I use uses non-destructive "layers" and I can rearrange the stack, as well as turn them off/on selectively.

Total editing time, about 3 minutes, each tweet took longer.
And when all is said and done... I've got what, 8 different images I can print, all of which are decent.
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