Good news! The New York State Board of Elections voted yesterday to REJECT certification of ES&S’s ExpressVote XL all-in-one barcode ballot marking device (BMD), a glitchy & hackable touchscreen that ES&S has hoped officials would stupidly buy in lieu of pen and paper. 1/
I’m still trying to find out @NYSBOE’s reasoning, but I know one problem was that the ExpressVote XL runs on Windows 7 and can only mark ballots in English. If the XL were a person, it would be a MAGA. 2/
The XL has other problems. It runs the barcode “paper ballot” back under the printout AFTER the voter reviews it, which experts say means it could be maliciously programmed to eff with the barcode that is the only part of the “paper ballot” counted as your vote. 3/
6/ Screenshots from my piece in post 5.
ES&S downplays problems w/ its systems. Thus, the only way to really know what occurred is with public records requests. @RGarella did one in 2019 & found that, “‘poll workers & technicians reported issues with the new [XL] machines at more than 40 % of polling locations,’ ... 8/
...yet the voting machine vendor ES&S said that ‘it was ‘simply inaccurate’ for anyone to imply there were widespread issues.’” 9/
As written, HR1 would allow jurisdictions to force all in person voters to use the ExpressVote XL or other glitchy touchscreens, as long as voters have the option to vote by mail. That isn’t good enough. 10/
At a minimum, HR1 must be amended to require that jurisdictions give voters the option to mark their ballots with a pen (rather than a touchscreen) AT THE POLLS (for jurisdictions w/ in person voting). We Please tell ur members of Congress. TY. #PensAtThePolls 11/
12/ #HandMarkedPaperBallots (exception for voters with disabilities)
13/ HR1 should also ban all-in-one BMDs like the ExpressVote XL and Dominion ICE, which run the ballots back under the printer head after voters inspect them. #ExpelTheXL #ICETheICE
15/ Stacey Abrams’s group, Fair Fight Action, created this document detailing concerns with voting machine vendor ES&S, which had the Georgia contract before Georgia switched to Dominion.
18/ I interviewed @benniejsmith about the vanishing black votes in TN here; he made the discovery.
19/ Full interview.
20/ Correction post 17: votes, not voters.
21/ Correction post 3: printer head, not printout
22/ Clarification Post 9. The 40% of polling places with ExpressVote XL problems in 2019 were in Philadelphia, not nationwide!
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