12 Life Principles You Should Live By

// A THREAD //
1. Look people in the eyes

This may be hard, I know.

But did you know that this principle will benefit you when it comes to self-confidence?

It boosts your self-confidence and others' confidence in you.

Try to practice it.
2. Have a firm handshake

The first impression is the most important one.

You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but people are built to judge after their first impression.

This is something very natural

Next time you shake hands, make sure you do it right.
3. Keep secrets

If you want people to trust you, you'll have to keep secrets.

Trust is something hard to build, but very easy to destroy.

I still hold onto secrets, even if some of the individuals talk shit about me.
4. Do good without expecting something in return

If you're a person like this, you're a badass with a heart of an angel.

This is the purest form of kindness

Life will reward you for this in the most beautiful ways.
5. Be a good loser

No matter what loss, always be a good loser.

Most importantly, be a good winner also.
6. When someone hugs you, let them be the first to let go

This is the highest form of emotional intelligence.

I once hugged a loved person

She let go before I did.

Made me feel unwanted.
7. Keep it simple

Don't overcomplicate life.

The journey is your destination.

Life is a process that involves failures and wins.

- Avoid overthinking
- Avoid living in the past
- Avoid living in the future

Live now and focus on being a better person than your yesterday-self
8. Have no regrets

I made a couple of mistakes in my life.

Times weren't always good and things could've gone differently.

Do I regret anything? No.

Every mistake was a lesson, and the pain made me stronger.

I learned, I grew.
9. Don't expect life to be fair

Because it isn't.

In life, you'll deal with a lot of bullshit

Fortunately, we can prepare for this by programming our mindset on how to deal with the current circumstances.

Hard times involve lessons.

Lessons will make you grow.
10. Keep a notepad on your bedside table

The best ideas strike at night, trust me.

Nuff said.
11. Forgive

Forgive, but never forget.

We sometimes have to forgive people for our own internal peace.

Wish bad people only good things because they need it.
12. Be willing to light another’s candle

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

Happiness never decreases by being shared.

— Buddha
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