So I've got a bit of cryptocurrency lying around that I haven't used since the start of the pandemic, and a relationship with a reputable crypto trader. I'm thinking about taking my bit of my crypto and turning it into the base of a mutual aid system for Vancouver sex workers.
My initial thought is to help sex workers trade in crypto, particularly low income sex workers, so they can pay for ads easier without taking heavy ATM fees.
My next thought is to give tips to sex workers on platforms where credit cards have been removed as an option, as well as help them cash out of those platforms and transfer to new platforms.
My final thought is to continue to offer cryptocurrency workshops and one-on-one tutoring for sex workers wishing to learn how to use cryptocurrency.
My concern is that I'm taking on a lot of personal risk by doing this and I don't want to lose any of my own money (as I'm not very well off myself) and I would like the freedom to pull reasonable compensation for myself in the future if the fund becomes difficult or risky.
So in the spirit of this idea, and to mitigate my personal risk, I'm going to drop some codes below you can send any crypto you have lying around you're not using. Just remember I don't really have a plan yet so you're going to need to have faith in me to manage this properly.
I'll say a cryptocurrency name and drop the QR code and address below as its own reply. If you have some change in that currency you're not gonna use, click "replies" to see the qr code and address. PM me if you need help.
Bitcoin for Vancouver Sex Workers
You can follow @SadistHailey.
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