Ladies, shall we have some fun??
Welll are you ready?
Women and WOMEN only! I want you to DM me a time you found out/saw a friend of yours was flirting with your MAN. Was she laughing too hard at your bfs unfunny jokes? Sat on his lap in front of you? WAY too touchy feely? Did he ever shut it down? DID U SHUT IT DOWN? WHAT HAPPENED
Did they ever end up smashing?

DM ME! All DMs will be ANON by default. Please don’t send me an essay!
LOOOOOL she tried it.
Is this not someone who is wicked
Was she right for this? 😂
Does her sister hate her?
Her friend was a witch đŸ˜©
Angelica Schuyler is that you??

Y’all. Flicked his nipple??
This is so ghetto but i am crying.

Read it twice 😂😂
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