*Historicity of Jesus*

When you encounter a Missionary you may notice a sense of 'superiority' in them compared to other, when you enter a debate with them, one of the very frequent argument you'll hear is that "Jesus existed in History" ...
+ missionaries emphasize on this in order to convince people and give Christianity some sort of stable base in the History, since the early 18th century Christian theologians have done their reseaech on the Jesus of Gospel in order to prove his historicity in the west...
+ The pillars of Christianity namely Virgin birth, Crucifiction and ressurrection, missionaries often emphasize on the Miracles that accompanied Jezuz at brith, through out his life and till death which is the one of the main 'evidence' of prophethood/Godhood of Jesus...
+ Edward Gibbon writes in his "The decline and fall of Roman empire" regarding these claims of "miracles"
+ by the end of the 17th century the quest for jesus of history initiated by a professor of oriental languages at University of Hamburg named Hermann Samuel Reimarus, who wrote a criticism of the bible in lengthy volume of 4000 pages in secret which was published...
+ by his friend Gotthold Ephraim, in the voluminous work of academic importance, Jesus was projected as a failed Jewish revolutionary whose body after death was stolen by his disciples from his tomb and the story of resurrection was circulated.
+ in the last volume of his work "The aim of Jesus and his disciple", what Professor Reimarus started was followed by many other hence we find today plenty of books on "Life of Jesus" it has become quite a profitable industry in todays time.
+ Jesus lived in Palestine as per the Christian claim, during the 1AD(anno domini) which means "Year of the lord" indicating that Jesus was born in this Century, however the a Historian "Philo" who was a contemporary to Jesus times(as alleged)
+ wrote the History of the jews, has no mention of Jesus in all his work whatsoever moreover in his work there is no mention of any "Christian" community or "Christianity" as a Religion, another historian contemporary of Philo named 'Justus of Tiberius' mentions no such thing...
+ as "Jesus", "Christian" or "Christianity", further another historian 'Flavious josephus' who lived 37-99 CE, completed monumental work "The jewish war" in 77CE and "The antiquities of the jews" almost 15 years later yet somehow leaves out any mention of Jesus
+ his "The jewish war" mentions Romans putting down of a widespread Palestinian rebellion of the Jews in 66-77 CE, by that time Christian church is supposedly have functioned for 35 years at Jerusalem, Josephus work never once mentions Jesus or his followers
+ although missionaries still point to 2 passages one long and the other short, which says "Jesus was a wise man and also a Christ" however it has been debunked as interpolation by scholar since the Josephus manuscript are not old than 11th century
+ and might have been tempered by Christian scribes.
neither one Jesus of 5 authentic references from the vast rabbinical literature created during the first 225 years of Christian era, fits the description of Jesus from the Bible nor it establishes the historicity
Christian theologian/scholars and missionaries deem the Talmud as "useless as a source about Jesus"

more on this later
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