Are you corrupt?
Ans " No"
Are your family members corrupt?
Ans " No".
Are you friends or associates corrupt?
Ans "No"
So who are the corrupt people
Ans " Politicians"
Isn't your brother a politician is he corrupt?
Ans " he is not corrupt, its the others"
But I asked them the same questions and I got the same answers.

So , who are the corrupt people in Jamaica if none of our families, friends or associates are corrupts.
Maybe its the people who came on the flight from Mexico and vanished, maybe they are the corrupt people.
Would you accept payment to do something that is corrupt.
Ans " It depends"
Me " That means you are corrupt if the price is right"
Response " Ah wah you a try do trick man"
Me " You think the people who hide the pilots/copilot are corrupt"
Ans " No dem just a eat a food"
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