Covid & how you may be feeling... a thought thread.

Local restrictions lead to frustration & uncertainty, we are as humans emotionally unprepared for the detrimental effects of biological diseases.
Social isolation relating to restrictions & lockdown is linked to uncertainty & fear of the unknown & that creates anxiety.

Anxiety is related to insomnia then depression, fatigue & reduced performance.

It your environment, your body does not feel safe.
Frustration & boredom is generated from a loss of contact with others, we are humans we are social creatures.

Loneliness increases depression & feeling socially isolated is linked to alcohol or drug use.
Alexithymia ... or ‘meh’ might mean you don’t even have words for how you are feeling.... here’s the big one ..... inadequate information.
Inadequate info from public health authorities is a significant stressor as it then leads to inappropriate guidelines when then feeds back into point no 1... fear of the unknown.
Long story short ... how you are feeling is normal and if we had clear guidance & instructions from day one we might not all be feeling as deflated as we are right now.

This will pass, we will be ok.
Excuse the typos, I’m just frustrated at how shit this has been handled & how little is being done to reassure people that your body is behaving normally to a perceived threat that has no clear end date.

What you know you can handle.

Be kind to yourself.
I’m now sat with my phone in the one part of my house that has mobile reception incase cool fm phone.

Where there’s hope there’s life.

Also I need to win it to pay for all the feckin entries at this stage.


I’d buy yiz all a pint
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