I’m sorry to tweet about the stupid gamestop thing, but this is a good thread about who instigated, who participated, and the likely outcome that ordinary people who were late to the show but thought they could cash in might get screwed, just like with the housing bubble, etc. https://twitter.com/aaronhuertas/status/1355153781063905281
There are absolutely people who feel like “I don’t mind spending a few dollars to take down a hedge fund”, and there are absolutely people who will gamble money they can’t afford to lose, and be hurt by this. We don’t really have a regulatory (or cultural) framework for both.
I don’t give a shit about any of it except that there are lots of good people in deeply dire straits right now who might try anything that means they can pay their bills, and we need to center protecting them more than we need to fuss about abstractions around the market.
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