WOMEN NEED TO CONTINUE TO INVEST IN THE STOCK MARKET even after this week when it’s no longer ~cool~ 💗💗 a thread because I’m in a MOOD about this 👇
The entire finance industry is completely dominated by men. Only ~26% of American women are invested in the stock market which is a VERY sad and disproportionate number... you know what this means???
The wealth gap between men and women will continue to grow making true gender equality further from our reach !! 🚨 also idk about the rest of you, but I want to be richer than every man I meet!!! OK LADIES WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN?!
1) Open a brokerage account! I like Fidelity and they also have a v easy app. Treat 👏this 👏app👏 like👏you 👏do👏Instagram. Check it in the morning when you wake up. On lunch. Before you sleep. Get obsessed... because guess what?! MEN DO.
2) Invest in funds that benefit women and find funds that are RUN by women! THIS is the best way to actually support female-owned businesses, not by posting a cute ig story about it. Treat this like shopping- do research and chat with your gfs and then just TRUST** yourself 🛍
**Trusting yourself is actually key here!! Only half of women (52% according to @MerrillLynch) say they feel confident managing their investments. For men it’s 68 percent. LADIES, WE MUST CHANNEL THE CONFIDENCE OF EVERY MAN WHO TRIED TO EXPLAIN GAMESTOP TO US THIS WEEK.
3) If any part of the stock market is confusing you (which tbh it probably will because women have LITERALLY not been given as much education about this 🙄) - find a financial advisor! AND...
make that financial advisor... A WOMAN! (only 32% of financial advisors are women but that’s another thread for a different day!!) 🙃🙃🙃 Also there are obviously lots of wonderful resources online and books about this.
S̶o̶r̶r̶y̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶d̶ I just really want women to be richer than men and investing is the best way to do that ESPECIALLY when we’re still not getting paid as much 💸 as them !!!
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