Let’s cut the BS - Punjab is facing annihilation.

Not from the Hindoos, not from Godi media, not from the chaiwala, not from Gujarati kutte Ambani Adani, not from non-Jats.

But from a depleted water table caused by the current farming methods & incentives.
Punjab faces annihilation via desertification.

The images below show the dire need of reform in Punjab & the adjacent areas - yes the areas where protests are massively derived from.

Unequal MSP allotment and addiction will destroy the land if things remain.
But wait, what if we just double down on MSP to higher rates or to all crops?

Good luck with the inflation that will whiplash to the common man as the gov rots in a massive deficit.

& the water table will get worse, furthering the speed of annihilation of a beautiful Punjab.
Put aside pride, caste, & qaum.

Look down at the earth that is about to be annihilated if things don’t change. If these farm reforms aren’t codified. If your land doesn’t recover to its former beauty & grows into a great new potential.

Or face annihilation, by your own ego.
Sorry guys this was too good to pass up. My favorite response by far to the thread 😂😂😂

I never do this SS crap (standard tactic generally reserved for clout chasing losers), but omg this was too perfect 🤣

A 4 part tale.

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